LEAF Global Arts is on a mission CONNECTING CULTURES and
CREATING COMMUNITY through world music, arts education, preservation and experiences.

Leaf Global Arts
LEAF Membership



LEAF Events

LEAF Events

Info & Tickets
2022 Dates: May 12-15, 2022
October 20-23, August TBA

LEAF in Our Community & The World

LEAF’s mission comes to life as an agent for positive social impact in many ways and places.

The “ways” include: cultural exchanges, residencies, programs, workshops, mentoring, Easel Rider Mobile Art Lab, Learning Journeys, Signature Events, and immersive experiences. “Places” include: LEAF Global Arts Center in downtown Asheville,  in communities across the world, in schools, in community centers, at event locations such as Lake Eden in Black Mountain, and downtown Asheville.

Measuring Our Success

LEAF global arts education program goals, curriculum, teacher & student evaluations are aligned with the  Developmental Assets Profile (DAP), developed by the Search Institute. The Search Institute has identified 40 assets which comprise a set of skills, experiences, relationships, and behaviors that enable young people to develop into successful and contributing adults. Building these assets prepare youth for success in some type of college or education, a career, and citizenship.

LEAF has identified and prioritized 6 assets that exemplify the types of skills our programs help to develop in our youth participants: 

  • Community Values Youth
  • Adult Role Models
  • Creative Activities
  • Cultural Competence
  • Personal Power
  • Self-Esteem

LEAF’s Global Arts Education programs align with Common Core State and NC Essential Standards to supplement what teachers are doing in their classrooms.

The UNESCO Culture for Development Indicators Suite identifies several dimensions that address the interrelations between culture and development. LEAF International aligns with 5 indicators that provide a guiding framework for quantifying the contribution of culture in development.

The 5 indicators that guide the design and evaluate global programs:

  • Economy Dimension
  • Education Dimension
  • Social Participation Dimension
  • Communication Dimension
  • Heritage Dimension

Within these 5 dimensions, 9 indicators are utilized by LEAF as direct indications of how our programs are enriching individual lives, communities, and preserving forms of cultural expression:

  • Cultural Employment
  • Inclusive Education
  • Professional Training in cultural sector
  • Tolerance of other cultures
  • Interpersonal Trust
  • Participation in cultural activities
  • Freedom of Expression
  • Heritage sustainability 
  • Access and internet use

Since 2018, LEAF Community Arts as a team with Buncombe County Schools (BCS) are John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts – Partners in Education Program. This national recognition is only the 3rd cohort in NC! The SHARED purpose of LEAF and BCS as Kennedy Center – Partners in Education is to support teaching and learning by modeling the value of the arts integration and global awareness in all areas of education for lifelong, continued, and relevant learning.

LEAF's Impact

Since 1995
Global Arts Experiences

LEAFers at Events

Signature Festivals

Countries Represented


Virtual Events

Since 2004 Global Arts Education

Youth Participants

Youth Performers

Arts Education Programs

Easel Rider Youth

Since 2006 Cultural Preservation

Youth Participants


ONEmic Studios

Cultural Exchanges

Culture Keepers

Our vision is to create relationships with communities around the world to strengthen cultural & global arts education programs to engage youth in their rich, cultural heritage, while cultivating community and connection. These are our guiding tools:

Give & Grow LEAF

Your generous gift supports cultural arts education locally & globally!

Mayani is a Maasai boy from longido Arusha. He went to boarding school at 6 years old and lost his Maasai language and tradition. Since joining the LEAF program, he has learned to sing Maasai songs, practiced the ‘jump’ tradition and wear Maasai shukas (traditional clothing). Mayani is extremely happy and is currently teaching other youth the culture.