Schools & Streets
LEAF Schools & Streets provides residencies in schools, in after-school programs, and workshops within the community. Our Resident Teaching Artists are leaders in global arts education!

Performing Artist Residency Programs

Resident Teaching Artist Programs
LEAF has the opportunity to impact youth beyond the festival experience. LEAF’s growing roster of 16+ year round Resident Teaching Artists lead a variety of programs that allow local youth in the Asheville area to explore an array of cultural arts, including:
- HIP HOP – Breakdance, Choreography, Intro to DJing
- MUSIC APPRECIATION – Brass Band, Songwriting, World Percussion
- AFRICAN DIASPORA – Drumming, Dance & Costuming
- DRAMA – Theatre
- MEDIA – Stop Motion Animation, Live Action Movie-Making
Offered Year-Round
Includes Opportunity to Perform at Signature Events!
Standard Pricing:
- Workshops – 45-60 minutes – $105
- Class series – 60-90 minute class, daily or weekly – $75 per session
- Residencies in or after school – 5 days in length for 1.5/3 hours a day plus a performance – $650
Possible scholarships available. Contact

Visiting Teaching Artist Programs
Twice a year, LEAF invites performing artists from around the globe that are culturally-rooted enough to grace the Festival stage, and mission-oriented enough to lead a Visiting Teaching Artist residency with elementary, middle, and/or high school students in and around Buncombe County. It is an opportunity for youth to take the next step toward becoming global citizens and leaders – onstage and off-stage in their community.
- Visiting Teaching Artist Selection Committee consists of Performing Arts Director, Community Relations Director, Development Director, and in some cases Executive Director. Artists selected are individuals, national acts, and internationally touring acts who strive to empower youth.
- A 3-5 day residency hosted in a local school and/or community center for school age children. Session can last from 1 1/2 to 2 hours per day depending on school, grade and space.
- Each youth performer gets rockstar treatment during their showcase at LEAF Festival with (2) FREE guest passes, a swag bag sponsored by French Broad Food Co-op, a LEAF performer badge, a LEAF t-shirt, and access to the performer lounge on the day of their performance.
- During this experience, youth have an opportunity to truly become global citizens and artistic leaders by working with role models of different cultures and dream of future possibilities!
Semester Offered: SPRING & FALL only
Includes Opportunity to Perform at Signature Events!
Standard Pricing:
Visiting Teaching Artists Residencies occur the week preceding festivals. They vary in number of days and cost, ranging from $600-1,200. Residencies consist of daily classes that last 1.5-3 hours, and a performance at the festival.
Possible scholarships available. Contact

LEAF Schools & Streets programs, goals, curriculum, and evaluations are aligned with the Developmental Assets Profile, developed by the Search Institute. Building these assets prepares youth for success in some type of college or education, a career, and citizenship. LEAF has identified 6 assets that exemplify the types of skills our programs help to develop in our students. These are: Community Values Youth, Adult Role Models, Creative Activities, Cultural Competence, Personal Power, & Self-Esteem.

Easel Rider Mobile Art Lab

Easel Rider – Asheville’s Mobile Art Lab – is all about connecting people and art. The Easel Rider helps boost access to public art by providing interactive hands-on activities and inviting the Asheville community to experience creation on the go! City of Asheville Parks & Recreation Division has been a long time partner in supporting the Easel Rider, helping boost public access to visual art.
Offered Year-Round
Cost: $150 (1-3 hour session) / $300 (4-6 hour session)
Email for more information.

Community-Driven Programs

The “U-LEAF” (short for “Unfolding LEAF Mobile Stage”) is a one-of-a-kind mobile art stage, built in collaboration with Asheville Design Build Studio through a grant project featuring 13 scholar-shipped students hailing from 7 different universities. Drawing upon a wide range of design and technical disciplines, these students worked tirelessly for two months fabricating models, work-shopping blueprints, surveying community needs, and ultimately constructing the final product making this valuable asset available to all of Asheville.
The U-LEAF is a user friendly, safe, and mobile art platform that provides artists with an opportunity to showcase their creative talents in LEAF and community partner programs anytime, anywhere, for years to come. The U-LEAF stage is first and foremost a community asset & resource.
Our purpose for creating the U-LEAF, is to foster pathways of access, inclusivity, and community-building through the collaborative production of high integrity events in neighborhoods, community centers, public parks, and even private functions.
The U-LEAF is available in a variety of forms ranging from a simple stage deployment, to the provision of the stage with administrative support, and for a comprehensive experience – the stage deployment paired with admin and a full PA sound system. The pricing for the rental and use of the U-LEAF stage will be determined based upon the nature of your event, status of your organization (private vs. non-profit), and partnership status with LEAF Community Arts.
Semester Offered: SPRING, SUMMER & FALL
Cost: $450 (stage only) / $850 (full deployment & production per day)
Email: for more information

Learning Journeys
Learning Journey Program Overview: Since 2014, LEAF has been hosting conversations for and by the local community and our LEAF teaching artists called ” Learning Journeys” These discussions give our LEAF family an opportunity to connect, engage and get inspired to the works and efforts that improve our community and the world around us. Each month, Learning Journeys are paired with a specific theme, and a speaker, panel or workshop. We are invited to share the experience, to learn, and connect. Learning Journeys will last approximately 60-90 minutes, depending on how long Q&A is.
Semester Offered: SPRING, SUMMER & FALL
Cost: FREE – RSVP Requested
Email for more info!

Kennedy Center Partners in Education

Since 2018, LEAF Global Arts as a team with Buncombe County Schools (BCS) are John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts – Partners in Education Program. This national recognition is only the 3rd cohort in NC! The SHARED purpose of LEAF and BCS as Kennedy Center – Partners in Education is to support teaching and learning by modeling the value of the arts integration and global awareness in all areas of education for lifelong, continued, and relevant learning.
Buncombe County Schools (BCS) and LEAF Schools & Streets were among seven teams nationwide selected to join the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts’ Partners in Education. This program was designed to assist arts organizations throughout the nation to develop or expand education partnerships with their local school systems. Numerous studies point to the value of arts education in improving student outcomes, yet teachers may not have the resources, access, or training to implement arts integration across the curriculum. Partnering with teachers is fundamental to arts-based learning. Partners in Education not only assist with providing these tools but the learning experiences through the program foster and develop stronger collaborative relationships with the community.
A team consisting of representatives from BCS and LEAF Schools & Streets participated in the Partners in Education Institute at the Kennedy Center. The team joined the nearly 100 teams from 39 states and the District of Columbia already participating in the Partners in Education program.
LEAF Schools & Streets welcomes and celebrates community partnership, the spirit of collaboration and joint efforts to support the healthy development of kids & young adults. Together, we can explore how engagement can happen, keeping in mind that customization is always an option as long as there is a mission match. Costs associated with residencies, workshops, performances, cultural exchanges, and other experiences cover expenses related to Teaching Artist compensation, supplies, transportation/fuel, training and production.
From music instruments to child sponsorships, our people-centered programs depend on generous givers like you to grow and thrive. Donate today! 100% of your gift goes directly to support cultural arts education programs in the country of your choosing.