Healing Arts Presenter Application


Apply to be a presenter at a LEAF event in 2025.
This is an application fee only and does NOT guarantee acceptance.

Thank YOU for being a Healing Artist and your interest in being part of LEAF as a workshop presenter. Once your application purchase is processed, you’ll receive an e-mail with an application LINK form within 24-48 hours. Please fill out and submit.

*If you’d like a Healing Arts Vendor Space, please apply for the booth separately.
*More info: theLEAF.org/leaf-healing-arts or theLEAF.org/vendors
*Support from Healing Arts Ambassador: HealingArts@theLEAF.org

Accepted workshop presenters will present one workshop presentation (minimum of 55 minutes) in exchange for their weekend pass to the festival. Weekend passes are from Fri-Sun. You can purchase a Weekend Plus pass upgrade (Thurs-Sun) or do an extra workshop . Weekend passes include tent camping. It does NOT include car camping, food or guest pass. Failure to fulfill your presenter commitment will result in being charged for a full price ticket.

By making this purchase I hereby make application to the Board of Directors of LEAF, a non-profit corporation, to participate in a LEAF event. I certify that I have read, understand, and accept the following representation, stipulations and waiver. YOU are RESPONSIBLE. There are inherent risks associated with being at LEAF or a LEAF event. By participating in LEAF (LEAF Global Arts) in any way (ticket purchaser, volunteer, staff, performer, vendor, etc) YOU are fully responsible for your physical and mental self, your belongings, your vehicle, your actions, injuries, accidents, illness, property damage, or other occurrence arising in any manner whatsoever out of your participation in activities sponsored by LEAF. In addition, all persons attending this event, by their presence, may be photographed, videotaped, or broadcasted and, waive any claim related to the use of their image for promotional purposes for LEAF. BE RESPECTFUL, KIND & RESPONSIBLE. ACCORDINGLY, I HEREBY WAIVE, FOR MYSELF, MY PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES, HEIRS AND NEXT OF KIN, ALL CLAIMS, WHICH I MIGHT HAVE AGAINST THE LEAF, ANY OTHER PROVIDERS OF FACILITIES AND ANY OF THEM IN COMBINATION, and their officers, directors, agents, employees and contractors, for injury, accident, illness, property damage, death or other occurrence arising in any manner whatsoever out of my participation in activities sponsored by LEAF. FURTHERMORE, I agree to indemnify, save and hold harmless LEAF from any and all loss, costs, damages, expenses, and attorney’s fees arising out of my participation, or the participation of persons who accompany me, in LEAF related activities.

Mayani is a Maasai boy from longido Arusha. He went to boarding school at 6 years old and lost his Maasai language and tradition. Since joining the LEAF program, he has learned to sing Maasai songs, practiced the ‘jump’ tradition and wear Maasai shukas (traditional clothing). Mayani is extremely happy and is currently teaching other youth the culture.